Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as tapping, is a holistic healing method that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine and modern psychology. It involves tapping on acupressure points on the head, body and hands while focusing on a particular issue or emotion. There are numerous EFT tapping videos and books available today, however having…
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What are addictions giving you and what are they taking from you?
When we think of addictions the first thing that can come to mind is drugs and drinking. However people are addicted to many things such as controlling people, procrastinating, over-eating, interrupting people, pleasing others, taking people's time etc.. Ask yourself what do you get from your addictions and what price do you pay? Controlling or…
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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping)
EFT can be used effectively for a number of issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, eating or sleeping disorders, weight loss, self esteem issues and the release of deep rooted fear. We all know what it feels like to have fear, pounding heart, sweating, racing pulse, holding of breath, trembling or feeling frozen stiff. When…
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Showing your creativity
I had a client that came to me at a very low point in her life, she was unsure how to move past her inner conflicts and challenges. Stress and depression were clouding her perspective and making her feel stuck. Due to the pressure, she had to come out of work which added to her…
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